

  • Strawberry Tea fundraiser

    Tue 16 Jul 2019 Mrs Cox-Wall
    Y10 pupils organised our annual Strawberry Tea fundraiser as part of their ASDAN CoPE level 2 qualification. They invited Bridgend Bereavement Community support group as their charity and organised baking, teas and coffees. The pupils also decorated and coordinated a fab tombola with lots of prizes. Our Art teacher Ms Rutledge also ran a fun print making workshop and lots of families attended this lovely end of term event! Great to see everyone and we raised £150 for the charity. Well done Katy, Scott, Ellie, Abi, C and all the other Y10s who worked so hard. 
  • Investors in Families Award

    Sat 06 Jul 2019 Mrs Cox-Wall

    We had a visit from Sue the Investors in Families assessor to The Bridge last week and are pleased to announce we are now an Investors in Families accredited school (sapphire).

    This accreditation is the result of two years work, building up our support for families and bespoke programmes to engage and develop their skills to support their children and young people. 

    Many children and young people come to The Bridge at a challenging time, during a crisis or due to a particular adverse experience. Working with parents and carers to build their confidence to play, to read, to talk and to support their children as they develop during their placement with us, even down to opening savings accounts with the local Credit Union, is key.

    The post of Family Engagement Officer was recently vacated by the much valued Tammy and we are recruiting again to continue this important work. 

    We look forward to achieving the next level of amethyst accreditation next year! 
