Welcome new and returning pupils! We're excited to start a fresh term full of learning and growth. Let's make this year the best one yet!

Investors in Families and PFA

Welcome to the Investors in Families and PFA section of our website!

The Bridge is an accredited Investors in Families school, our dedicated Family Engagement Officer leads this work. 

We work closely with parents and families to improve outcomes for children and young people in The Bridge. There are 7 strands to the programme and we continue to develop our work in all areas:

1. A flying start

2. Education, training and learning opportunities

3. Best possible health, free from abuse, victimisation and exploitation

4. Play, leisure, sporting and cultural activities

5. Being listened to, treated with respect and race/culture recognised

6. Safe community and home which supports physical amd emotional well being

7. Not disadvantaged by poverty

We hold regular events related to the above aims, for each of our age groups and areas of need, the information is shared via newsletter, text to parents, twitter and the website.


This is also where you will find the minutes of the Bridge Friends and Parents group. All parents, grandparents and carers (and staff) are automatically members and anyone can come to a meeting. You will always be welcomed.

If you can't make meetings, please email : or call 01656 815290


There is also a parent survey in the Parents' section of the website you can complete any time!

KS2 Reading Workshops

PFA Terms of Reference
