Don't forget to collect your GCSE results on Thursday August 22nd between 9.30am and 11.30am at The Bridge.


Curriculum Statement

The 4 Purposes - Curriculum for Wales

Curriculum Offer




Pupils in KS4 study a number of GCSEs and other subjects across the weekly timetable, these include:


  • English Language GCSE
  • English Literature GCSE
  • Mathematics and Numeracy GCSEs
  • Science GCSE (Double and Triple Award)
  • Art GCSE
  • CoPE Level 2 ASDAN
  • Agored Cymru qualifications (Level 1 & 2)
  • Health and Wellbeing and Relationships and Sexuality Education (R.S.E)


The specifications for these courses are available on the websites of the respective examination boards.




Article #29 Your right to become the best you can be!

Enrichment and Wellbeing


All KS3 and 4 pupils have “Well-being Wednesdays” which are enrichment afternoons with a focus on physical activities. Each session has a range of options for pupils to enjoy with teaching and support staff. Options include:

Walking outside,

Fitness circuits,


Table tennis,

Relaxation and mindfulness,

Forest Schools (half termly rota),

Boxing skills,

Surf therapy (summer term only),

Applied Drama therapy,

Art and Craft (for those unable to participate in physical activity).

Primary pupils access half day sessions only in the Bridge and spend the remainder of their time in mainstream schools to ensure they access appropriate PE and Games lessons. 


