

  • Outright activity with UNICEF

    Fri 23 Nov 2018 Mrs Cox-Wall

    This week Mrs Morriss and Ms Medway installed our UNICEF air diffuser kit on campus. KS2 pupils will check this daily and report back on the air quality for 2 weeks. This will be interesting as we are next to a big house building site!

    Our air diffuser monitoring kit is attached to a lampost and measures air pollution on our immediate school campus.

    Our results will be sent to UNICEF who will collate data from all the schools taking part and produce a report highlighting the issue in our area. We can also write to our local representatives about the results if we are worried!

    Your right to a good standard of living article #29

  • A great Anti-Bullying Week!!

    Fri 16 Nov 2018 Mrs Davies

    We were super busy this week, bullying is a serious issue that can affect anyone and this week and it’s focus #chooserespect is a great opportunity to focus on awareness, positivity and being an upstander not a bystander.

    Monday was “odd socks day” plenty of mixing and matching going on!

    Tuesday was our survey day and we are very pleased to say no pupils felt bullied in the Bridge and only a very tiny number thought they were not sure about how it would be sorted out if bullying happened.

    This was firmly addressed in our #chooserespect assembly for the whole school on Wednesday.

    KS3 and 4 took part in the cyber bullying workshop with the Anti-Bullying Alliance (of which we are Associate Members). Everyone needs to know when banter becomes bad and how to be an upstander not a bystander.

    Friday we celebrated Children in Need day with dressing up and down! The money raised goes to charities all over the UK to support children and to uphold and protect their rights to education, fun, clubs, friends and a good life. 

  • Shoe Share with Clarks and UNICEF

    Wed 07 Nov 2018 Mrs Richards

    Week beginning 19th November we will be participating in Shoe Share with Clarks and UNICEF. If you have shoes in reasonable condition you no longer want, please ensure they’re clean, rubber band them together and send them to school.

    We’ll take them to Clarks and they will donate money to UNICEF for every tonne collected. 

    The money raised is used to send children in developing countries to school. Article 28 of the UNCRC says all children have the right to go to school and we hope you can help us achieve this. 

  • Visit to Field of Remembrance

    Wed 07 Nov 2018 Mrs Cox-Wall
    Today KS3 pupils visited Cardiff to see the Field of Remembrance and the other tributes and commemorations of those who gave their lives in war.  The pupils’ behaviour was excellent and they showed great respect and appreciation of the sacrifice of the young men (sometimes women) and their families, given so we could live freely today.