

  • Easter Fayre raffle winners

    Fri 23 Mar 2018 Mrs Morris

    1st prize (rugby tickets) Teejay

    2nd prize (giant bunny) Mrs Morris - donated to K in KS2

    3rd prize (toy lamb) Latisha

    4th prize (Easter egg)  Mrs Pope

    5th prize (Easter egg) Dylan

    6th prize (Easter egg) Georgia

  • Easter Fayre

    Fri 23 Mar 2018 Mrs Cox-Wall

    We held our Easter Fayre today at the Bridge and lots of parents, carers and friends attended from across all our age groups and provisions.

    Organised by our Family Engagement Officer Tammy and our eggscellent Parents and Friends Association we had refreshments (made by our pupils) and a very complex Easter Egg hunt around the school classroom and grounds. Staff and pupils went off in pairs and first back were Miss Cleary and Craig, winning a chocolate prize. It was Craig’s lucky day as he also guessed the number of sweets in the jar correctly.

    It was lovely to see all the parents and friends and we appreciate their support. We raised £132, thanks to everyone.

  • Mini First Aid

    Wed 14 Mar 2018 Mrs Cox-Wall

    KS2 had a special visit today from Rachel at Mini First Aid. As part of PSE, KS2 pupils K, T, A, C had special training in common aspects of first aid, should they be the person who had to act during an emergency situation.

    The children learned to deal with bumps, burns, breaks and bleeding, carry out CPR and deal with choking.  The class was practical, lots of fun and involved lots of activities for the children to practice on each other and the staff!

  • Rock School after school club

    Wed 14 Mar 2018 Mrs Cox-Wall

    In partnership with the BCBC Lead Worker team and Community Music Wales, KS4 pupils have been enjoying "Rock School" after school club every Wednesday this half term.

    4 pupils have chosen to stay and learn from scratch or develop thier existing skills to play electric guitar with Matt and Dan from CMW.

    The goal is to increase confidence and to enjoy music, culminating in a "performance" at a level everyone feels comfortable with. A great opportunity to experience real music and be part of making it!

  • UNICEF research for Welsh Government on physical punishment

    Wed 07 Mar 2018 Mrs Morris

    As a Rights Respecting School, Welsh Government wants to hear from our children and young people about their plans to change the law on physical punishment. At the moment, "reasonable" punishment can include smacking, the WG is considering ending this and the use of physical punishment in Wales.

    We are working with UNICEF to share our views (KS4 pupils) on this important issue, pupils will bring home letters to explain and of course, parents or carers can say they don't wish their child to join in the activity. No names or school names are collected or used at any time.

    Pupils will have a short lesson on the issue and then have a group discussion about the issue in general, not about personal experiences. No pupils have to take part if they don't wish to.

    The information goes back to WG via the Rights Respecting Team.

    Please contact Mrs Morris or Mrs Cox-Wall if you have any questions.

  • Article of the Month #7 The right to a name and nationality

    Wed 07 Mar 2018 Mrs Cox-Wall

    In assembly today, we focussed on the Right of the Month for March - article 7 "the right to a name and a nationality".

    Staff and pupils when asked, were mainly Welsh but lots of us had different heritage and background, from South Africa to Italy!

    Having a name and a country to belong to was very important to everyone and all pupils listened carefully to Naseen's story (from the Refugee Partnership and Jo Cox Foundation) about her journey and loss of country and nationality.

    We closed with the School Prayer, which has the very fitting lines "no matter who we are, what we look like or where we come from, we are all part of the Bridge Alternative Provision."
